Understanding Your Choices of Material for a Commercial Roof

A commercial roof is usually much larger than a residential roof, which makes replacing it costlier. A commercial roof may also be flat, so that certain materials you might use on a residential roof wouldn't necessarily work on your commercial building, including asphalt tiles and shingles that need to slope downwards. Because a commercial roof is unique in these ways, you need to know all your options for materials for a new roof when it's time to replace it. [Read More]

3 Ways to Use a Timber Pergola in Your Backyard

A pergola is a type of structure that includes framework, often made from durable timber materials. There are many different ways to use it in your backyard, including these following ideas. Create Privacy One good way to use a pergola in your backyard is by creating more privacy. Perhaps you don't like your neighbours being able to look over their fence and see you having a relaxing evening with your family. [Read More]

How to Choose Between the Most Popular Earthmoving Equipment Available

If you're not a general contractor but want to do some major work on the outside of your own property, you may be surprised to see that there are many pieces of earthmoving equipment available for rent or hire. These may vary in size but also in the type of work they perform; a typically machine may not be the right choice for you, depending on what you need to have done for earthmoving. [Read More]

The Main Steps of the Lime Stabilisation Process

Many homeowners are now using the lime stabilisation method to create firmer subsoil beneath the foundations of their homes. This article discusses the main steps that you should follow in case you would like to use lime stabilisation at the construction site of your home. Taking Samples Lime stabilisation involves adding a binder, such as quicklime, to the expansive clay at the construction site. However, the amount of binder to be added is not selected arbitrarily. [Read More]